Welcome on

the website of Hosszú Tányér!

If you are on our website, you must be looking for a place you cannot just walk in. For a place where you can enjoy our cautiously prepared, artistic dishes in a family atmosphere, where you can experience special dining and find tranquility.

Our small, romantic restaurant

is located in the centre of Hosszúhetény,

however, hidden from prying eyes. If contemporary art is close to your heart, we can serve you some cultural surprises as well beside your meal. You can admire a selection of Hungarian fine art that is changed every two months along with the tasting menu.

Franciska Hosszú

named the restaurant

She pays tribute to her grandfather’s family name “Hosszú”. It is just a coincidence that it happens in Hosszúhetény. With degrees in different fields far from catering, as a mother of two, with a bold move, she set up her own business. She had direct contact with guests in 2015 for the first time, since then she has been representing a kind of hosting that you can experience when visiting your beloved relatives or friends.

Attila Horváth

is the chef

He aimed to learn at art school. As a child he was already interested in painting, drawing, sculpture, however, he attended a cooking school. With years, his studies and interests met and he realized that cooking is the best way to express himself. Attila designs the ceramics as well used for our dished, so the word “Tányér” in the name of the restaurant, which means “Plate”, describes his work in every sense.

The idea of the "Hosszú Tányér"

Our personal needs for developing met in common work in 2021 and it resulted in the conception that makes our restaurant so unique. We two are the personnel of the restaurant as well. Guests are awaited with five tables in our little house. There are no busy or crowded hours, Hosszú Tányér is the place to relax and to switch off. There is an opportunity to have private dining as well.

The ingredients are cautiously selected. We use the products of our kitchen garden, the fruit and the vegetables of loacl producers, based on Hungarian cuisine. Ingredients from other cultures appear on a regular basis. It makes the taste inimitable and the appearance unmistakable.

Contact Us

Opening hours

Friday, Saturday, Sunday according to reservations.